MYC's 2024-25 Winter Basketball League
Media Youth Center Winter League is a recreational basketball program for local boys & girls in grades 1st-11th. All players who register before the max cap in their division is reached will be placed on a team. Registration closes in late October.
All players in 3rd grade & up must take place in one evaluation. Evaluations will take place in November. After evaluations, Coaches will meet to draft their teams. During this time, we will be organizing teams as well as game and practice schedules, which will be released by the end of November.
The season itself will begin in early December and last until late February or early March (dependent on weather cancellations, playoffs, etc.). All teams are guaranteed a minimum of 10 scheduled games.
Who: Boys & Girls - Grades 1-11
- (no HS Varsity players permitted)
Season: December to March
Cost: $135/player
- can be made online during registration or by cash/check dropped off to MYC's secure mailbox @ 1 Youth Way, Media, PA
Deadline to Register: Saturday, Nov 2nd
- all players must be registered to participate, including evaluations.
- registration is subject to close early if a division reaches its cap, so sign up early!
Evaluation Schedule
*please arrive at your scheduled evaluation 15mins early to sign-in & get your eval number*

Tentative General Game Schedule - *subject to change!*
Wednesdays @ MYC - 5th-6th boys | A League | 9th-11th boys
Thursdays @ MYC - 5th-6th boys | A League | 9th-11th boys
Friday @ MYC - 5th-6th boys
Saturdays @ MYC - 3rd-4th boys| 1st-2nd girls
Saturdays @ Media Elem. - 1st-2nd Boys
Sundays @ MYC - | 3-4th Girls | 5th-6th girls | 7th-10th girls
Sundays@ Penn State Brandywine 5-6th Boys| 7-8th Boys CBA